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Date(s) - 06/21/2014
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm



“Their Most Serene & Purple Majesty, The Windward Krewe” will escort the Royal Couple (local musician Ben Martin & singer Rachel Sorsa) and Venetian entourage to the beach near the breakwater.  Then the King & Queen will enter the Pacific.  They will then emerge from their watery home world to proclaim to All Landlings the 1st Day of Summer (it being the Solstice and all).  Wild huzzahs, drums, & bamboozles will ring out the news as the King & Queen are then paraded along the beach and Ocean Front Walk with their escorts chanting, “Hail The King, Hail Summer, Hail Venice, Hell Yea!”.
Then a pub crawl in order to keep the Royal Aquarians hydrated as their allotted time among the surface dwellers is short.

For more info:
