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Date(s) - 07/12/2014
9:00 am - 11:00 am

Santa Monica Pier


Free 6 week program  with the Ferrigno Family every Saturday  9 a.m.-10 a.m.   July 12-Aug. 16 .

Hey There Muscles was designed by the Ferrigno family and their team of dietitians and workout gurus to be a 360-health experience from mind to muscle.  The 9 a.m. classes are a free way to shake off your Friday night and discover muscles that have been hiding, perhaps for years. Each week you will be taught by a different acclaimed FerrignoFIT instructor in a judgment-free environment for all levels. The series is based off the full 12-week Incredibly Fit by FerrignoFIT program. With the sound of the ocean as your backdrop, the West End of the Pier will come alive with interval bodyweight exercises, including stretching, resistance training, weights and kickboxing and nutrition and motivational pep-talks – the smarter way to get fit.


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